Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Right, so I said I was going to give everyone my final address when I got here, so It is as follows:

47 Hatton Gardens
London, EC1N 8Ex
Flat 7

My phone in the flat is only for outgoing calls only. But I bought a cell phone for over here, due to complications, I'll have 2 phone numbers while I'm here. Currently the number is 07726 760118. And it only costs me 10cents (5 pence) a minute talking over seas. Yay! I'll let you know when I switch numbers..again, don't ask.


Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The dream becomes a reality.

Where doest I begin...oh, at the beginning.

From Cleveland Hopkins I flew back in time two hours to the windy city, Chicago. My flight was delayed about an hour due to Heathrow's landing curfew(no plains land before 6 a.m.) so instead of flying around London for 45 minutes, I slept in O'Hare airport for 45 minutes. And if you know me at all, i will choose sleeping over anything...even eating! I know "gasp"!
Continuing with my flight, it really didn't hit me that I was leaving for England until I was served the first snack on the plane and all the flight attendants started speaking in their accents...I was giddy as a school girl listening to N'SYNC!
The flight itself only lasted 6 hours and 30 minutes, and I was lucky enough to sit right in the center of the plane with a wall in front of no window seat...but I had more leg room, which came in handy taking catnaps on the plane. The plane also had this awesome screen that showed you where the plane was located in the while no one was looking I snuck pictures of the screen....

This is me leaving the North American Continent...for the first time!

(I know the photo is a little fuzzy, but deal!)

And during that time, from Newfoundland to England I slept and had breakfast, and didn't see the Atlantic at all cause it was to dark outside. But I digress.

This is me entering Ireland with 30 minutes left till London.

Once I landed I sweated it abit going through immigration..but it was a snap. Then I sweated it more once I got my luggage and exchange my 200 U.S. dollars for 96 pounds. That's right for every pound it's 2 of our dollars. Holy Expensive!
It hit me that I was in London for good once I took the Underground(subway) and everyone had an was pretty sweet. It took about an hour on the Underground to get to Chancery Lane Tube station(Which their public transportation here even the busses are very clean). It was quite a site to see urban England.
Once I walked off the Underground, I thought London had evacuated for my arrival, like the very foundations felt it's impending doom as the Alex grew nearer. But, it was a Bank Holiday and NO ONE was on the streets, which was nice since I had two very large and buldging suitcases.
Once I arrived at the flat complex a sign read "Huron Students, please ring for Flat 5". So I did just as it said, and to my dismay, no one answered. So there I was, alone, in London, with two very large suitcases, and no means to call the University. So I sat on the stoop hoping that another student would be arriving and the RA would be with them. 30 minutes passed as the few passer-bys just stared awkwardly at the very obvious American. Then two old men exited the building across the street walked over to my building and let me in, even though they didn't know me. So I just got comfortable in the lobby, whipped out my laptop and pirated off someone's bandwidth. 15 minutes passed and a RA with a student walked in and showed me to our flat.
I have to say that the flat is a bit smaller then the pictures they sent us(surprise) but it's pretty sweet. My flat is located on the 4 floor and is Flat 7, but it has two glass doors that open onto the street, and is still pretty roomy.

My living area:

My room:

My bed is on the left.

Currently, two of my four roommates have moved in. Both seam pretty cool and down to earth, one is Jimmy from Illinois, and another from New York whose name is Mike. The other two roommates move in tomorrow and we're just hoping they will get along with us as well as we get along with one another.
So today which is August 29, we just walked to campus which is a 10-15 minute walk from the flat, and met our RA which seams to be pretty lax and down to earth, he apparently went to school at Muskingum College in Ohio. Besides that, not much to say besides their milk is thicker over here, and it takes longer to cool, oh, Also, their eggs are just in a regular isle and not in the cooler. Hope everyone is doing fine and dandy. Remember I still got e-mail and AIM. So I'll speak unto you later and update my post at a later date.

Rock it!

Monday, August 21, 2006

It has begun!

Welcome one and all to my blog! Woo-hoo!

Hopefully I can keep on top of updateing this site once I'm over in England. So yea, this is my first post..I'll write more later...hopefully.