Friday, September 08, 2006


Top o' the morning all!

Or evening..or afternoon, which works best for you.

Well sorry for the lack of updates recently, it actually has nothing to do with my laziness...for once. The internet at the flat that I was pirating from other companies around us, was finally locked from random users..a.k.a. the got wise to us using their bandwidth! So without such internet, all I have left is the computers at school, which I can use, but keep forgetting to bring my camera so that I may download my picture for you.

On the other end of frustrations...internship...I am trying not to explode with angst, frustration, anger, hatefulness, and all other power Satan has domain over. The lovely internship director has yet to hear back from companies that want to set up an interview with, and refuses to contact them everyday until they do otherwise. So I shall annoy her everyday until she does otherwise. AND the internship she applied me for are for production places, which, yes, has a lot to do with News...but it's still not News. I wanted to be in a News environment, to see how Brits structure their news packages and to be in the hussle and bussle of a News room...anger. So begins the countdown till my Daw temper is unleashed upon Ms. Internship Director. T minus 4 days and counting.

So that's it for now, I have written myself a note to bring my camera Monday so that I may update on my recent travels and post some pictures....Hope all is well with you and your families.


At 9/08/2006 7:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be patient my son, I haven't I taught you well.. Stay calm and hope next week all will go more smoothly. I will try to send you a goodie box next week. From you mummzie in the states. The "CAT" says MEOW-MEOW-MEOW!!!!!"She is driving me crazie" LOVE.

At 9/08/2006 2:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your lack of updates is due to a lack of Internet and not an unfortunate encounter with a stingray.

Good luck with the internship.


At 9/08/2006 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep your head up young lad!

It is hard to believe you are across the pond. So cool!

We are heading for our annual camping trip with the gang to mohican! Camping and canoeing will abound!
Chat later!
Joe and Maria

"Carpe diem my brother! Carpe diem!"

At 9/08/2006 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It will all work out. I know it! Because you are Sir Alex of Daw and all will heed your word! (And if she doesn't you can always unleash the powers of Trevor! Muahahahaha!!!!!)
I Love you Tons!!

At 9/12/2006 12:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry things are not going well with your internship arrangements- I hope they get worked out soon! Is your RA seriously a Muskie?! That's awesome!
Erin Jobes


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